This recent project was another bar sign.
This computer image was generated and agreed upon:
The order placed and the parts arrived:
Its about 90cm x 80cm
To transfer the image from the laptop to the sign, I used a digital projector and white marker pen:
Then I had to find a good glue that could glue PVC tube to acrylic. The 4th type of glue I tried worked best.
The Ultra EL wire was threaded through clear PVC tubes that were cut to length for each letter.
The glue took 24 hours to fully set and I used tape to hold the letters in place.
I did the gluing over about 6 or 7 evenings.
The tight curves in the R's kept coming off and so they took 3 goes to get them to finally stick.
When it was finished, the sign looked great........
Frog xx